— Critical Adaptation Studies —


California’s approach to climate adaptation is through state and local planning. At the state level, the Climate Adaptation Planning Guide and supplemental resources provide guidance for local adaptation strategies, including identification of risks, vulnerability assessments, and adaptation strategies. Additional California-focused resources for adaptation planning include:


Catastrophic wildfires across the West are devastating to local communities.

While there are many excellent scientific resources that document how land management agencies, scientists, and environmental organizations help the land respond and recover, fewer models exist to examine ways that local communities can be empowered as agents in this recovery.

This case study presents how local youth were engaged in post-fire education and rehabilitation activities in New Mexico as a potential model that can be adapted to other communities.

The Case Study is a brief summary of the project’s history, context, and educational outcomes.

Case Study:  Restoring a New Mexico Forest, Audubon Society Case Study

The digital slide show walks through some of the focal areas and outcomes of the project.

Report: Fire-Focused, Landscape Scale Restoration on Rowe Mesa

Article:  Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program, Shultz et. al, 2012.

UNFCCC Adaptation Knowledge Portal

ABOUT:  “The Adaptation Knowledge Portal (AKP) is a product of the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP), the UNFCCC knowledge-for-action hub for climate adaptation and resilience. The AKP aims to provide access to information and knowledge on climate change adaptation, and on the work of related workstreams under the Framework Convention on Climate Change. The AKP builds on the worldwide contributions of policy-makers, practitioners and researchers to offer first-hand information and actionable knowledge for end-users. 

The portal provides free and open access to a curated database of adaptation knowledge resources including case studies, methods and tools, publications and technical documents, and other materials. Users can also browse the profiles and action pledges of NWP partner organizations with recognized expertise or activities in the field of climate adaptation.”